2024–25 Undergraduate Student Fees

In addition to direct instructional costs, 网易彩票下载的学杂费涵盖了广泛的学生和学术支持服务, 包括指导服务和社会活动.

Additional fees may apply for administrative, some courses and programs, student services, special program fees, and other fees.

Administrative fees

  • Application fee: $50

  • Matriculation fee: $175

被录取的学生随后注册了课程,被视为被录取的学生. This matriculation fee is assessed only once at the time of an admitted student’s initial registration; it covers the costs associated with initial advising, registration, 并维护学生在网易彩票下载期间的学术档案. (学术档案可以包含录取记录, transcripts, 以及其他机构对课程的评估, academic appeals, graduation check sheet, etc.)

  • Orientation fee: $125

所有学生(第一年和转学)都必须支付125美元的入学费,这笔费用将直接记入他们的学生账户,无论他们参加什么课程. This fee covers Orientation meals, supplies, t-shirt, activities, and all other costs associated with Orientation.

  • Student Activity Fee: $115/quarter if enrolled FT

学生活动费是对本科和本科后学生的本科课程收取的. 这笔费用的目的是支持一个充满活力和繁荣的校园, 这些资金用于加强学生活动和活动, student learning and leadership, student government and advocacy, 学生领导的校园媒体和学生事工和外展.

  • Technology Fee: $130/quarter if enrolled FT


  • Wellness and Safety Fee: $60/quarter if enrolled FT

在2023-2024年之前,健康费曾经包含在学生活动费中. 从2023-2024年开始,SPU将健康费部分与新的安全费结合起来. 健康费是向学生收取的,以提供校内和健身活动的节目, 维护举重室和有氧室的设备, 以及全年的健康和保健项目. 安全费涵盖了保持城市校园安全所需的日益复杂的技术基础设施以及最新的应急准备.

  • 补领猎鹰卡费用(遗失/被盗/损坏卡): $25
  • Official transcript fee: $12.50

网易彩票下载已授权国家学生信息中心(NSC)处理在线成绩单申请和付款.  Along with the normal transcript fee of $10, 在线成绩单申请需要额外支付每位收件人2美元.25 NSC processing fee. 根据要求的额外成绩单服务,可能会收取以下额外费用:

    • Electronic/Emailed Transcript:  $1.00
    • Mailed Transcript (via US Mail): $2.40
    • 电子交易成绩单:不收取额外费用
    • 快件选择:国家学生信息中心提供几种不同的快件选择,这些选择需要额外付费. 这些选项的可用性由成绩单接收者的位置决定,价格在在线订购过程中指定.

Course and program fees

某些课程有额外的费用,比如滑雪, mountain climbing, some psychology labs, music composition, and math courses. For specific classes with fees, refer to the Time Schedule and/or revision listings.

  • Undergraduate/post-baccalaureate internship: $125, per quarter
  • EDSC 4240 course fee: $25, per quarter 
Music fees

Individual instruction fees are as follows:

  • For nonmajors: $75, 1-2 credits
  • For Music majors: $150, 1-2 credits
  • Piano class instruction: $50, 1 credit
  • Piano class instruction: $75, 2 credits
  • Voice class instruction (two periods weekly): $75, per quarter
Nursing fees: 
  • Testing fee: One-time, nonrefundable fee; $100
  • Clinical practicum fee: $100, per practicum/internship credit
  • Lab fees: $200, per quarter
  • Clinical Document Management fee: $60
  • Clinical Consortium fee: $110, per year
  • Immunization tracking fee: $46, for two years
  • Background check: $70, first quarter
  • Online resources: 第一季度2221美元,见猎鹰优势计划
  • Uniforms and shoes: $250, approximately
  • Nursing equipment: $150, approximately
  • Transportation/parking at practicum sites: Costs vary by quarter; students are responsible for their own transportation to practicum sites
  • Other costs include personal health insurance, immunizations with yearly updates, BLS for health care provider (CPR training).
  • Costs at the end of the program are for the national licensure examination (NCLEX-RN) and state licensure. Check links for current costs. 
Special examination fees


  • Per-course examination fee: $100
  • Per-credit hour fee: $40
Study-away programs
  • Study abroad administrative fee: 350美元(申请费50美元,押金300美元,均不可退还)

Student Services fees

Center for Career and Calling services

Most Center for Career and Calling services (e.g., career counseling) and events (e.g.(如招聘会)对本科生免费.

  • Career testing: $20 per test
Health services
  • Residential students: Fees included in room charges
  • Commuter students: TBD per quarter on first visit

International Students
  • International Student Services Fee: $200 per quarter/$600 annually
Medical insurance fees

《网易彩票app》改变了SPU为学生提供医疗保险的能力. 这意味着健康保险计划将不会提供给国内(美国)本科生或研究生.

按照国家医保改革的要求,华盛顿州已经启动了 Washington Health Benefit Exchange  帮助人们获得负担得起的个人健康保险. These will be individual plans, not plans offered by SPU.

所有持F-1签证在上海外国语大学学习的学生都必须全年(包括假期)参加大学学生医疗保险计划。. 不接受其他保单的豁免.

这项政策的例外是由本国官方组织全额资助的学生. 但是,全额资助的学生必须向学校提供最新的积极健康保险 International Student Services during their first quarter at SPU. If students cannot provide proof of insurance, 他们将被要求购买学校医疗保险计划. 缴纳健康保险费是学生的责任.


Parking rates are listed here

任何由SPU学生或员工维护、拥有或操作的车辆都必须在学校注册 Office of Safety and Security 如果它要停在SPU的校园里,包括城市街道. 报名/申请表格可透过 Banner and in person.

任何停车状况的改变必须在改变后的10天内通过电话206-281-2922报告给安全与安保部门. 停车退款按照学费退款政策计算.

Note: If you completely withdraw from the University, 你必须通知保安部才有资格退还你的停车费.